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Certified Specialist Managed Care (CSMC) Key Concept Guide


Where is the CSMC key concept guide located? I launch the certification portal to start review the modules but there are no documents in the resources tab.  Any help is appreciated.  

What are other great study approached for the CSMC exam?

  • I cannot be sure that I am completely right, but it seems to me that the key concepts may differ from the scope of work and conditions. Perhaps even from the direction. My father works as a doctor and sometimes teaches medical students. I sometimes visited him after school when he was teaching. I googled and found in this article: https://www.exploremedicalcareers.com/medical-assistant / a little bit about what a medical worker of this level should be able to do. This is similar to what my father told me. Maybe this will help you. On the other hand, you could contact directly the place where you plan to study.

  • I cannot be sure that I am completely right, but it seems to me that the key concepts may differ from the scope of work and conditions. Perhaps even from the direction. My father works as a doctor and sometimes teaches medical students. I sometimes visited him after school when he was teaching. I googled and found in this article: https://www.exploremedicalcareers.com/medical-assistant / a little bit about what a medical worker of this level should be able to do. This is similar to what my father told me. Maybe this will help you. On the other hand, you could contact directly the place where you plan to study.

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