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Share Your HFMA Digital Credentials!

When you complete an HFMA certification you will earn a digital badge.

You will receive an email invitation will come from Credly - HFMA's digital badging partner - detailing instructions for you to create an account, download and share your badge. Your badge will contain metadata describing your qualifications and credentials, including how you earned this achievement. Display this digital representation of your certification in your email signature, electronic resume, and on your LinkedIn profile or anywhere you want to be recognized for attaining a new level of knowledge or a specific skill set.

Benefits of a digital badge?

  • Increase your credibility: An HFMA credential validates that you have the education needed to succeed in your field. You can easily manage and share your learning achievements.
  • Position yourself for advancement: Show your manager you are committed to staying up to date in your profession and position yourself for a promotion within your organization.
  • Differentiate yourself in the job market: Maintain the proficiencies leaders in the field are seeking to meet their organizational goals and share your credentials on a secured platform.

Did you receive your badge notification email from Credly?

  • To make sure you receive your badge notification email, and that it doesn't wind up in your spam folder, add admin@credly.com as a Contact or Safe Sender in your email settings. 
  • Be sure to keep your email address current in your HFMA profile!

How to accept, manage and share your digital badge

  • Credly was designed to allow you to easily and efficiently manage and share your professional achievements. It all starts with accepting your badge. Get started here.

Have questions? See the HFMA Digital badging FAQ page. For more information, contact careerservices@hfma.org.